Monday, March 21, 2011

broadband usage meter

There has been several blogs about broadband suppliers saying to customers that they have used up their broadband monthly amount. I have a simple solution that I have used several times. Download the FREE NetLimiter 2 Monitor and run it for a month. I records all your activity in hours, days, months and years worth. When you run over your limit check the NetLimiter usage with your suppliers. If there is a substantial difference contact your supplier and say you have Net Limiter, you can identfy usage down to the exact hour and ask them to supply you with the same information. IE: hourly usage. They will not be able to do this as they can only daily usage. Then say that this is not good enough and you want a detailed account of your usage. They cannot give you a detailed account of your here is the crunch, then say that under the Consumers Gaurentees Act (CGA) you are entitled to a breakdown and if they cannot supply an hourly breakdown, as you can, then you will take then to the Disputes Tribunal and have a mediator decide if they are being reasonable.  They will not go to the Disputes Tribunal as they know they willl fail so they take their time but eventually if you stick at it they will reduce your months usage to zero and you can have zero usage til the end of the month.   Best of luck.  I have done this several times and they always cave in when you mention the Disputes Trivunal

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